There is no bad weather in Sweden, there are only bad clothes
As expected arriving in Sweden two weeks before the big race presented both challenges and new opportunities to train like I never have before in Sweden. For each day of training there was a day of "rest and relaxation" which was a welcomed gurantee, allowing substantial time to begin tapering my weekly mileage. Tapering can be exactly the opposite when you consider the amuont of energy you consume visiting family and friends so far, far away.Midsummer fun in Oviken with "Blomsterkrans!" |
Here is a recap of my training thus far leadnig up to the Haglöfs Åre Extreme Challenge!
Week 1 - Training in Sweden
Saturday June 14 2014 Sport Cycling, Torvalla to Värmon, Jamtland, Sweden
32 miles 127 minutes
Unpacking and assembly of the mountain bike went flawless. Everything put back together in perfect alignment. I came prepared to train off rock and dirt so fixed the rims with some Specialized Fat Boy slicks. Reduced rolling resistance, save the tread on the knobbies and get some decent cardio training. These tires are fantastick on primarily smooth, dry surfaces. The negatives are the terrible traction on wet roads and get sliced and diced on gravel roads.
Sunday June 15, 2014 Double Session
Paddling, Alsensjön, Värmon, Jamtland, Sweden
8.1 miles 88 minutes
Using a sea kayak that Astrid's brother Emil secured for me to borrow was an appreciated effort that saved me $175 rental rate! Approximately 17 feet length and fiberglass this boat is definitely on the heavy side and will be brutal to portage on race day. Weather took a turn on the cooler side today with constant 20-km winds. Luckily I started out in a protected area to get comfortable before headnig out. Things got a little testy having to push hard against incoming steady sets of waves and wind. On days like this the reward is turning around and surfing your way back which was most excellent fun.
Kayak performed surprisingly well in the waves, tracking and decent speed. Complete control and practiced a roll at the end of the paddle. The paddle is a Lendal Archipelago, carbon bent shaft with stiff plastic blades. Took some effort getting used to the paddle as it is designed primarily better used at low angles. I figured out pretty quickly using a modified angle in between I could generate consistent power stroke for stroke at pace.
Sport Cycling, Torvalla to Värmon, Jamtland, Sweden
28 miles 107 minutes
I can go on and on writing about sweating and burning calories but this country side is breathtaking and I just have to expose some of the few treasures here in Jämtland with some photos I have taken in my travels here!
Wednesday June 18, 2014 Double Session
Sport Cycling, Torvalla to Värmon, Jamtland, Sweden
24 miles 133 minutes
Got another double session in today after two days off but it was horribly windy this afternoon and evening. Gusts up to 50-km are no joke on a bike! So much so it almost broke me cycling but tested out my newest gear which is a lightweight, wind breaking soft shell from Pearl Izumi... Worked absolutely fantastic!
Paddling, Alsensjön, Värmon, Jamtland, Sweden
7.9 miles 94 minutes
Took about 20 minutes to recover and went paddling about 7 km into the fierce wind before turning around for some pretty good surfing on the way back. Even the protected area was getting hit with action right at the beginning so I knew this was going to be quite the strenuous paddle. On the way back, caught one huge surf that picked up the entire front end of the kayak that shocked the daylights out of me as I rocketed forward lol! Most surfs were good enough to catch up to the waves already passing ahead. Kayak had enough rocker, keeping the bow from pearling so performance was still impressive. Can get pretty hectic out there on these windy 30km sustained days with 50km gusts!
Thursday June 19, 2014 Cross Training at GYM 24 in Östersund, Jamtland32 miles 127 minutes
Unpacking and assembly of the mountain bike went flawless. Everything put back together in perfect alignment. I came prepared to train off rock and dirt so fixed the rims with some Specialized Fat Boy slicks. Reduced rolling resistance, save the tread on the knobbies and get some decent cardio training. These tires are fantastick on primarily smooth, dry surfaces. The negatives are the terrible traction on wet roads and get sliced and diced on gravel roads.
Training mission before the festivites begin at the long awaited Bingo Royal! |
Paddling, Alsensjön, Värmon, Jamtland, Sweden
8.1 miles 88 minutes
Using a sea kayak that Astrid's brother Emil secured for me to borrow was an appreciated effort that saved me $175 rental rate! Approximately 17 feet length and fiberglass this boat is definitely on the heavy side and will be brutal to portage on race day. Weather took a turn on the cooler side today with constant 20-km winds. Luckily I started out in a protected area to get comfortable before headnig out. Things got a little testy having to push hard against incoming steady sets of waves and wind. On days like this the reward is turning around and surfing your way back which was most excellent fun.
Getting comfotable before dropping the rudder, some more practice and heading out. |
28 miles 107 minutes
I can go on and on writing about sweating and burning calories but this country side is breathtaking and I just have to expose some of the few treasures here in Jämtland with some photos I have taken in my travels here!
Wednesday June 18, 2014 Double Session
Sport Cycling, Torvalla to Värmon, Jamtland, Sweden
24 miles 133 minutes
Got another double session in today after two days off but it was horribly windy this afternoon and evening. Gusts up to 50-km are no joke on a bike! So much so it almost broke me cycling but tested out my newest gear which is a lightweight, wind breaking soft shell from Pearl Izumi... Worked absolutely fantastic!
Paddling, Alsensjön, Värmon, Jamtland, Sweden
7.9 miles 94 minutes
Took about 20 minutes to recover and went paddling about 7 km into the fierce wind before turning around for some pretty good surfing on the way back. Even the protected area was getting hit with action right at the beginning so I knew this was going to be quite the strenuous paddle. On the way back, caught one huge surf that picked up the entire front end of the kayak that shocked the daylights out of me as I rocketed forward lol! Most surfs were good enough to catch up to the waves already passing ahead. Kayak had enough rocker, keeping the bow from pearling so performance was still impressive. Can get pretty hectic out there on these windy 30km sustained days with 50km gusts!
TRX and Kettlebell
Constant moderate intensity for one hour with very short 15-20 second breaks in between sets. Total body burnout session alternating between legs, upper body and core exercises which left me sweating heavily and every muscle being pushed very close to fatigue.
Week 2 - Training in Sweden
Sunday June 22, 2014 Triple Session at GYM 24 in Östersund, JamtlandRowing 55 minutes
Stair Climber 45 minutes
Spin Bike 35 minutes
Slight to moderate intensity to activate the muscles in similar order they would get used during the Åre Challenge. I was returning from another 2 days of "rest and relaxation" and this workout was exactly what was needed to get the body ready for the next two planned days of work.
Monday June 23, 2014 Indalsälven, Nvik to Fjäal, Jamtland, Sweden
16.2 miles 190 minutes
My last planned paddle and was trying to find a suitable whitewater stream for some practice on moving water. Getting lost trying to find the Hårkan, I simply had to settle for the nearest body of water which would eventualy turn into a 26-km paddle down Indalsälven which was mostly flatwater, slow moving body of water with several portages at power stations.
I took several short breaks and took it slow and easy for about 1/3 but still an outstanding day to be on water in awesome Sweden.
I paddled about 8 km downstream of where I was suppossed to meet my wife at the camping area take-out we had previously planned. I had to call it quits because this was much to much effort than I wanted to deliver today. I took out in a random backyard of some summer time cottages. After about 10 minutes walking down some random dirt road, a very kind man gave me a lift to meet the good wife. He actaully works at the water power stations and completely understood my big mistake trying to find the Hårkan.
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Kennet from Smedtsa saved the day! |
All smiles after a long hard day of being lost, a little drama and lesson learned. |
Tuesday June 24, 2014 Mountain Biking at Oviksfjällen Jamtland, Sweden
13 miles 93 minutes 1223 ft elevation gain
Testing out the mountain bike legs 4 days before the challenge. Instead of choosing from several hundred kms of cross country tracks in the Östersund community, I drove out to meet up with Nicklas in Oviken, husband to Astrid's cousin Ida to head out into the local mountains for a short training mission on Oviksfjällen. This is the mountain range closest to Östersund about 45 minutes drive away. The Swedish Fjäll (alpine mountains) feature an incredible alpine landscape. We would be cycling up 800 feet of vertical exposure in all directions as we parked the car just below tree line.
Replaced my rear tire with a Bontrager Mud X as I wanted to have the best traction in the Swedish alpine and mud. These tires worked amazing and held position through much of the wet mud and deep pools of water to be found in these mountains.
It was a strong ride, taking a few breaks coming after several harder climbs and trail junctions. Taking it easy we made good progress and finally arrived at the mountain lakes. Today wildlife sightings were plentiful and we saw many reindeer making their daily travels on the vast alpine landscape, a fox wandering about in many different directions, perhaps tracking its next meal and an amusing looking moose!
View of the neighboring mountain range.. so much to explore in Jämtland! |
My Guide Nicklas welcoming me into his backyard playground! |
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Crossing the tiresome muddy and wet flats |
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First lone tree appears as we continue our descent |
Our arrival at Visjön at 3000 feet elevation, we were greeted by the local wildlife. |
Preparations continue with kayak and cycle secured, one step closer to race day.... |
Work Hard, Train Hard, Play Sweden!
Keeping the body fueled with this amazing lunch at Tivarsgården! |